Meet the new Softr 🚀

@FloAPI we are currently not planning to include scripting in our tables. But hopefully with workflows, there will be ways to modify this data appropriately without.

@Ben we are working on creating an onboarding experience/block for additional details needed for new users in a way that is more industry standard / best practices. Aiming to get this out in Q2.

I use the scripts for different features including automations to send to mail, slack messages… but another example that the workflows will be can be ( do you confirm it?):

As part of a to do list, with repetitive tasks ( weekly, monthly…)
when I have a new entry in table 1 “To-do list” (Relaunch prospects every Tuesday from March 1st to July 31st), this will create in table 2 “Follow up tasks”, a line for each Tuesday from March 1st to July 31st with the task “Relaunch prospects”

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Any insight into this would be very helpful for us to be able to make sensible decisions about moving forward in our own app-development work :slight_smile:

Is it safer to assume 2> weeks than <2 weeks out?

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Hi there,

Just checked with the team and it does seem like we’re still a couple weeks out for launching a migration process to the public. We will be sure to update everyone here once it’s ready.


Hey all

For cases where INTERNAL and EXTERNAL users require an Approval step in backend by the App Admin before having to be Invited via the Softr ‘Send Invite’ button;

As the ‘Send Invite’ button now sends users to the ‘Reset Password’ Utility Page (which has no editing functionality), can someone please help me with setting the subtitle (or alternative?) of the Utility Page, ‘Reset Password’ to show a hyperlink for accepting terms and conditions and policy.

@matthieu_chateau ->You are probably these best person to answer / solve this?


Is there a way to make the invite link be more visually friendly? i.e. Just show ‘Accept Invitation’


Hi George,

This is impossible as this subtitle does not accept HTML or markdown.

That being said, I would strongly recommend not doing this while creating a new password — it would totally disrupt the flow, and this is really not the right place for it.

The only solution is to handle this after the sign-up flow is completed. A user group dedicated to non-onboarded users should be created, along with page rules linking them to a dedicated page (on sign up and on sign in). All other pages should be restricted from their access.

On this dedicated page, you would just need to add a list-details block with the condition “email is logged-in user’s email,” so it only shows the row of the logged-in user. Here, you could display a one-click update button that would add the checkmark in your checkbox field.

Basically, what you need is a post-sign-up onboarding flow, even if it’s just for a checkmark.

All of this holds true — until we get the native post-sign-up onboarding flow from Softr.

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Thanks for the helpful reply Matthieu.

It seems unnecessary to add more touchpoints to the invitation workflow though (especially as these users are already onboarded - they just need to set a password and agree to platform T’s and C’s / Policy…

Two simple options for these cases where user has been invited to set password without need of adding email (as they’re already onboarded) would be;

  1. To have the consent message (like the Sign Up) block within the Invite block (reset password block) OR sign in block.


  1. if we could just add the ‘Footer with links’ to the Block (reset password block) users get sent to after clicking on the invite token link.
    Currently you can’t edit this invite (reset password) block which seems crazy as this is the new block that Softr has decided to use as the INVITE block, yet you cant even reference the terms or policy which is status quo in all Apps, external or internal…

See below example where the subtitle within reset password could just display the message ‘By signing up you agree to the terms and policy’

What does “industry standard” look like JJ? Does it include T&Cs on the same sign up page like existing (now old) sign up blocks?


Below screenshot showing text box only on new sign up utility page. Great.

HOWEVER, if user has existing email then the user gets directed to sign in utility page BUT there is NO consent message (or text field) within the Sign In form so users are unable to sign in (as there is no option for them to accept platforms terms and services)…

@Jjenglert @artur @austinyang @Andranik

Below is example of how Reddit have the terms and policies within Sign In / Log in page which would cover all users signing in and any updates to platform policies etc

Surely its a simple fix to have a text field or the consent message added to the sign in page?

Although we can enable html in static text, I wouldn’t recommend you customize any text on that page just for this flow because the content is shared for your normal user’s reset password flow.

For this type of “approval required” signup → I think the more common approach is to add this consent message on user’s application (which I’d assume is done via a regular form?)

And you can achieve this with regular checkbox or extra block on top of the form :slight_smile:

Hey Austin and @Jjenglert @artur

As per this post…

…all we need is html text on the SIGN IN page then and not reset password page. The reason i was saying reset password page is because thats where users are taken after the Send Invite and that cant be modified. I asume that is just a bug then.

So can we please add the text to SIGN IN page as this is holding back users from being invited for something so simple and a status quo in Sign In’s…

The text option IS on the SIGN UP page so if users already have an account then they click (‘I already have an account’) and it takes them to SIGN IN page where there should be text option to input hyperlinks/references to “Terms and Policy”… Softr, like everyone else, makes you accept their term’s and policy so of course others have to aswell…

Just like this:

Update. If anyone in same boat as me, as a temporary solution for Sign In legalities requiring terms/policy to be displayed, you can click ‘redirect to sign up’ and put in the text field the html hyperlink. As per below. @Jjenglert I will stop pestering… :wink:



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Really smart way to think about this @FPX ! Good work!