@Tim_ClimatEU Just to add what Mariam & JJ have shared. This means with the new nav, you can set visibility rules to each link but only have 1 layout for a particular page.
If you need to have different nav layout (e.g. Top nav for non-logged-in, Side nav for logged-in) → This means they probably should be 2 pages to begin with. Typically this is the case with
If you’re combining them into one page because –
You want it to act as “home” page → You can differentiate home page for different user groups with Page Rules
There are some shared blocks → We’ll offer a “synced block” feature (ETA Q2) for you to manage those blocks across pages more easily
Hi, The current landing page looks so much better than the previous. Is it even made with softr ? I see some animations, tables, containers buttons that are not available in the current versions.
Does this mean that you can only set visibility on page level and not on block level for the navigation menu? So you cannot have 2 navigation bars on one page like it is in the old apps?
For instance one nav bar for non logged in users and one for logged in users on the same page? Is that possible in the new studio?
In the blog post, you mention it’s coming “in 2025”. But on your product page, you seem to imply we can, for example, send e-mail notifications. Haven’t found it in the new app builder, though?
@vivianfernandes thanks! Our new site is built on Webflow, actually. We found it to be a better platform for websites and CMS functionality. Softr is heavily focused on becoming the best platform for internal business applications.
@Maaike Not quite. It might be best to create a new application and see for yourself. Each page within the nav can be controlled by visibility rules. So unlike before when you needed to create a navigation for each user group, now one navigation can solve all of your user permission requirements.
@SanderSS workflows are not available yet. We already have functionality for sending emails (via our conditional forms) and other actions such as our Call API and integrations with Zapier and Make that do this functionality.
With the new “Tables” when full stack is released, will that sync to other databases (ie. Airtable, SmartSuite, etc.) so we can have a “Live Sync” like Noloco? So if something changes on the back end it instantly shows up on Softr’s front end without refreshing the page?
@Jjenglert Super excited to try out all the new features. Not psyched that’s its not available on the older apps and it would be a monster task to move everything over.
I did have a question since you mentioned Webflow. My website was originally on WordPress and just due to all the information I wanted to display (travel packages and listings), it made sense to move everything into Softr but I do struggle with the limited design options for landing pages and lack of a blog section. Are there any good set-ups/solutions for this? We also have a membership portal with public pages and so I don’t see a special sub-domain working (e…g portal.mywebsite.com) as this was actually where I had started before consolidating.
Thanks @Jjenglert. Sounds good. Are email addresses mapped to Softr’s native integrations such that when an email is changed in Softr, the email is also changed in users’ Stripe, Hubspot,… accounts?
That’s a separate and longer conversation that is very specific to your business. If you need a highly optimized landing page and blog, webflow might work for public facing stuff, and Softr for internal authentication and app like functionality.
Can I assume that all new features from the new editor are gonna eventually transfer to the old builder? I have two bigger problems with the new builder that prevent me from moving everything over right now.
(1) I currently do have different user groups who I can handle much easier by having multiple sign up pages. If I switch to the new builder, I would need to rethink my entire workflow and somehow ditch user groups, so I’m evaluating if I should just wait or make the switch.
(2) Another block I use in a an important way is the current user profile block. I use it to smoothly modify additional profile settings. It seems that the new block only allows to change email, name and password and that the old block has been discontinued.
Would be great to get some clarity whether I will keep access to all new blocks or what the plan here is so that I can make a better decision
Thanks so much in advance guys! I love the look of the new navigation.
PS: (3) I seem to not be able to delete navigations once I created an additional one?
This is true. Maybe visibility settings on page + page rules to update this experience?
We just added ability to add more fields to update for the user here so should not be a problem.
When migration is possible, you will likely have the choice to keep the old signup blocks active as well. Though it’s not meant to be like that and could create complications. To be honest, we haven’t tested this as we assume users would delete the old signup blocks.
Another two questions pop up from the previous one (I hope this is the right place to post them).
(1) Will I be able to copy the profile block to multiple places in the application or will that also stay limited to one page only? We have two pages - account settings & job preferences, and then just use the user profile block twice - once for settings, once for the job alert. Would need to merge that on one page somehow otherwise and it wouldn’t be very smooth, especially since I can’t add text or dividers.
(2) Will you also add more fields to the sign up page or will it stick to email only? I would need to find a way to pick a user group after signing up, I haven’t seen a solution for that yet via Softr.
Like the basic next step of signing up on most platforms where they ask you a few questions. All I can think of is a form that pops up after signing up, but it would be incredible if there was a smooth way Softr could take users through a clean onboarding process.
For instance I want to showcase different pricing pages on signup, based on the user group that the user chose.