Meet the new Softr 🚀

Thanks for the helpful reply Matthieu.

It seems unnecessary to add more touchpoints to the invitation workflow though (especially as these users are already onboarded - they just need to set a password and agree to platform T’s and C’s / Policy…

Two simple options for these cases where user has been invited to set password without need of adding email (as they’re already onboarded) would be;

  1. To have the consent message (like the Sign Up) block within the Invite block (reset password block) OR sign in block.


  1. if we could just add the ‘Footer with links’ to the Block (reset password block) users get sent to after clicking on the invite token link.
    Currently you can’t edit this invite (reset password) block which seems crazy as this is the new block that Softr has decided to use as the INVITE block, yet you cant even reference the terms or policy which is status quo in all Apps, external or internal…

See below example where the subtitle within reset password could just display the message ‘By signing up you agree to the terms and policy’