Is there a reference list for CSS classes?

I have to add a lot of html and css code to get the job done. But the more I progress, the more I replace my inline styles by common statements for all my pages.

And most of the time, it’s to modify padding too big, margins too small, font sizes, etc …

It would be cleaner to use the existing styles …

I’ve already found several, but not all of them always work. For example, adding the class d-none hides the element well or w-50 changes the width of the element well, but the classes sw-font-size, sw-margin-bottom do not always work.

I think the Bootstrap related elements work everywhere, but not the others.
I also searched for documentation about React but I didn’t find anything


Hello, I’m sharing with you what I’ve already been able to try and which works well :

Element width (percent)
.w-50, .w-100

Text alignement
.text-right , .text-center

uses the theme’s default text font

uses the theme’s default text color

I’ve found many more, but they don’t always work.
I’m counting on the community to enrich this guide :slight_smile: