Is down?

I was working in Studio and now the site is not reachable anymore.

Anyone else having that problem?

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Yea, it seems like it’s down for everyone right now

Must be. Down for me too. How about everyone’s apps?

Also down

Back up now…but studio previews keep dropping out. Reminds me of this:

Ours is still down, receiving a ton of reports from users.

same here

still down, even the webpage

I’ve just subscribed to the status tracker →
to get notified about changes. :eye_in_speech_bubble:

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Funny how I keep getting this in the Studio, when its down:

Screenshot 2024-04-19 4.36.07 PM

Hey folks, we are having huuuge DDOS we are working on recovering the system

Thanks. Seems that you’re getting popular :rocket:

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We should be good now… apologies for the inconvenience… this was the first time at this scale… more than 100K IPs where involved…


Unfortunately this happens quite regularly.

What’s the status on proactively informing users about downtime as has been requested multiple times already?

Thanks! Stephan