App is Completely Down

Is Softr having issues right now? I can’t access Softr Studio and my app is completely down, showing users an error message saying “This site can’t be reached”.

Things appear to have restored and the app seems stable again.

Is there a root cause for the outage that can be shared?

According to softr, it was a heavy DDOS attack that forced the team to stop bad traffic with consequences also for parts of the good traffic.

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Thanks, @acjnas! That’s good info I can share with my app users, much appreciated.

Hey folks, apologies for the inconvenience. We had some interim glitches due to DDOS, and it took 2-3 instances of 2-3 minutes. We have improved the infra and got only stronger as a result

I noticed this too. Surprised no one else reported this. It would be helpful if Softr made an announcement here as soon as they noticed it, since apps and the studio were down.

Is there an ongoing issue currently? App users are reporting that they can no longer login and I am seeing the same on my end.

Is there a public StatusPage for Softr?

For some reason our website and Softr edit server is also down on our end since the entire day… Does anyone know what is going on?

Ours recovered after about 15 minutes, I would contact support if you’re still seeing an outage.

We invested in some web app monitoring tools today to alert our users of issues going forward but it would be great if Softr could also let us know so we can provide our clients with a root cause when they ask.

Perhaps you’ll have to let us all know here, so builders can at least confirm downtime is not caused by something on our end :wink: :wink:

We just received an alert that our app is once again down. Trying to login shows “Site can’t be reached”.

I assume others are seeing the same?

For reference.

Same here since yesterday. All my apps I’m working on can’t load records, but it works again after about 15 minutes until it just doesn’t again.
+1 for a status/outage page, I would love that! I spent hours trouble shooting a working app.

Our app came back yesterday but things have just been painfully slow for us lately in both the app and the studio.

Guys, mine is still completely down on my mac but on my iphone it works for some reason. I still can’t access my Softr edit dashboard… Does anybody have any news? How can we get in touch directly with the Softr team and report this?

It’s really upsetting.

Btw thanks for your response earlier nocodeking!

Yes. Softr’s landing page and studio couldn’t be reached again. It appears we will in fact have to rely on this post since Softr has no outage/status page. Thanks again @nocodeking

The Softr status page is showing everything as operational but our app has been down for about 15 minutes now.

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Hi @nocodeking ,

We were hit by a DDOS attack yesterday. Our systems caught it and were able to get back online quickly. Sorry for the disturbance.