Dynamic blocks conditional display?

Hey everyone,

I am trying to display blocks depending on the number of results shown in other blocks but figuring out how.

What I am trying to achieve is:

If #results in Block 1 with filters > 0, display Block 1, hide Block 2, hide Block 3

If #results in Block 1 with filters = 0 and #results in Block 2 with filters > 0, display Block 2, hide Block 1, hide Block 3

If #results in Block 1 with filters = 0 and #results in Block 2 with filters = 0, display Block 3, hide Block 1, hide Block 2

Do you have any idea on how I could do that?

Thank you for your help!

here you can read some news about conditional block display:

Seems like this feature is work in progress.

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