All style stuff should be customizable. Also note that the not logged in user won’t have the ability to click anywhere except on the link provided (‘log in’).
hey @matthieu_chateau, is there a way to load to the same page on which this popped up? I am using this on the leadboarder template, where i am asking user to signup before going to details page but post signup, the user is going back to home page.
Just to be sure: after clicking “Go Back” button it should lead to your homepage or to the page where the alert box is (in this case it would be page reload)?
Well, pushing Go Back should take them to the Homepage as i have the list block on Home page and by clicking on the aingle block of the list i am going to the details block.
However, after signup, the control details block should open up as the popup appeared on top of it.
Thanks @matthieu_chateau . I have a made a really quick loom video to explain the problem that i have. Please spend a min through it to get and help me accordingly.
It will be a bit more than an update but basically it’s in the first script. if (!window.logged_in_user) { means that the script will run if non logged in user.
Right now you can’t reach a specific user group while scripting (like logged_in_user_usergroupX).
You will need to re-create the user group according to the conditions of this user group in Airtable (which can be a lot to do ) with if (window['logged_in_user'] && window['logged_in_user']['airtable field'])
So if I said that “PAY AS YOU GO MEMBERS” can’t see the content, but “SUBSCRIBED” members can, I would put “PAY AS YOU GO MEMBERS” in the [‘airtable field’] part of your script / code? or is that the name of the field where I define where a member is PAYG or SUB?
It’s more complicated, it would be the name (case sensitive) of the field in Airtable = something (the value that decides if a user is from one user group or from another).
Also, the way to code it will be a bit different if it’s a single value type or if this is a multiple value type (array).
Can you tell me what decides if a user is a PAY AS YOU GO MEMBERS in your Airtable setup?
Important note: the value for a pay as you go member is ‘symbol PAYG’. I don’t know what symbol is this . So I just wrote the script as if the value was only ‘PAYG’.
In order to make it work you might have to duplicate the Member Status Formula field (name the new duplicated field as ‘Member Status For Code’) to remove the symbols. Once done, update ['Member Status'] in the script by ['Member Status For Code']
I made some tests myself and it worked. Just change Member Status by the name of the correct field in Airtable and PAYG by the right value (all case sensitive)