Disable or Unset Page Rules!

I posted on this topic in December of 2022 and created a work-around, but now that work-around has been broken by the “page rules” feature.

Our site has been up and running perfectly for 18 months or so. Recently a problem was brought to my attention that was introduced by the Page Rules functionality. Unfortunately there does not seem to be a way to “unset” the destination page assigned to a user group for the after-sign-in, after-sign-up, etc.

I need to have after-sign-in and after-sign-up page destinations that are not dependent on the user’s group. This user to be possible but is no longer.

I have attempted to user the strategy of having my destination page (it is a page with a stripe checkout block for “Product A” be available only to logged in users and re-direct non-logged-in users to the sign-in page (as recommended by Softr’s documentation here. Softr seems to implement this by adding a query parameter called next-page to the signup page URL.

However, this does not work for 2 reasons:

  1. Once the user signs-in, the Page Rules for that user/user-group over-ride the next-page parameter.
  2. If the user needs to sign-up (instead of just sign-in), the next-page parameter is lost, it does not carry through the flow of sign-in → sign-up → destination page.

It seems that if I could disable the Page Rules for my user groups, I could solve #1. But it seems like once a rule is set, it can be changed, but not unset.

Tying the first page a user sees to its user group it incredibly limiting. Why was this done? Why can’t I unset this feature? Anybody had success routing a user based on their desired destination page, rather than the page rules?