Conditional Form Fields

@Ben we started it, have made a design however we had to postpone the implementation a bit as some other requests like Action Buttons, Airtable key depreciation → OAuth, Google sheet integration took a bit more priority. It’s definitely in our plans to do it asap and we will share more precisely as we get closer. Apologies that I don’t have a concrete date, however be rest assured that we have not postponed it indefinitely.

Thanks Artur. It must be very hard to manage all of the requests. I understand the importance of Google Sheet and now Airtable integration for Softr’s viability.

However, Forms 2.0 had the most votes on your roadmap, the most likes in this community, yet countless features have been prioritized over conditional forms for years now. I have been a loyal No-code Softr user for at least as long and on the Business Plan now considering the recent pricing/feature changes. With Softr pricing that favors less price-sensitive enterprise customers now, it’s time to implement features, like dynamic forms and action buttons, so No-Coders can build viable apps as well.


One of the most scalable things that Softr could (and IMO should) do is allow extensions and functionality to be built by others. A conditional forms block would be a great example.

Start with a block control API, provide callback and other APIs to leverage account and other features, and then let people build (or have built for them) anything they need. Think of this like Chrome extensions or Excel add-ins. Then have a page for people to install them with some consistent licensing model, and allowing the developers to price them if they want (eventually - not in v1).

The biggest concern (as with all add-ins) would be trusting the code and trusting the rights management underneath. Require all add-ins to be published with source code so it can be reviewed or scanned with a code security tool…

This extensibility by others is time and again what separates good products from amazing platforms. There are “apps” marketplaces for Zoom, Office365 (addins), Browsers, GSuite, … and so on. Some are “integration” plugins where others are net new capabilities. And of course some other no/low code platforms have this as well.

The fact that the #1 highest voted roadmap item does not get even a date for delivery after 2 years points to a major gap in the model for Softr. It’s a gap that can be filled by others (cue @dcoletta) if the platform gets opened up… Letting others invest to extend the platform creates massive improvements in velocity and stickiness (client retention).


+1 on third party blocks!

That said, when I had to do complex forms I was happy enough with Tally Forms free tier. So arguably the existence of integrations like that mitigates the issue.

One thing I’ll add about third party blocks is that they will really only be as good as the extensibility on the server side. For example, you couldn’t build a third party List block without server side extensions too. So I’m not holding my breath for this to be a panacea.

Completely agree - the “plugin” APIs will be constrained by the server extensibility model. Getting this right is critical for both in-house and external developers. 3p blocks would be great… and integrations/other functionally could be enabled for 3p add-ins too.

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@artur @Suzie Are there any updates on this feature?

When I asked a Softr support staff today, they said feature should be here by end of this year.

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I’m waiting for it!

+1, super in need of this specific feature.
my case is when user selects the option from drop-down display the list of records (link to another records) based on previously selected value in dropdown

Hey all,

It’s almost done :slight_smile: We’ll launch so long awaited update very soon :slight_smile:

Hey @Artem,

As for your use case, I would suggest checking this thread, the comment made by Viktoria

17 Days ago… still not here??? :frowning:

This feature is the only thing stopping my project from being EPIC!!

Any idea on time scale?


Hey @angieQCC,

I should ask you to wait for some more time, it should be released in February finally. We all wait for this option really

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@artur @Suzie Any updates?

This should really be a prioritized feature, I hope it’s being treated as such internally. I think a lot of us have an app that is stuck waiting for this.


If it is possible to beta test the feature, I will gladly do so, even if I know that it may have limitations and stability issues.

Hello, I would like to know if with this release of conditional forms, we will have this type of functionality.

Example: When starting to fill out a form, upon choosing a certain option, depending on that option, a new field will be displayed.
Field 1 (Dropdown) - Option A / Option B

If option A is chosen, then Field 2 is shown. In case of option B, Field 3 will be displayed in the form.


Any news about conditional form fields?

I just need to hide a part of the form depending on another field dropdown…

It’s really important. Do I have to use another no-code web tool?

Hi all, we’re tackling this problem from a couple angles:

  • Global data restrictions (now available on Business plans - we’ll soon be partly opening this up to all plans). Learn more
  • Conditional options filter (coming soon - date tbd): Only show specific dropdown fields options based on the set conditions. Firstly we’ll be delivering basic conditional filter variables and later on we’ll add an option to conditionally show an option based on a previous form answer.
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