I can’t map to the fields Softr needs for Dynamic SEO (Like SEO:Title
). Maybe because of the :
using Airtable btw
I can’t map to the fields Softr needs for Dynamic SEO (Like SEO:Title
). Maybe because of the :
using Airtable btw
Hi! Please check out this doc to learn how we handle these SEO fields: Item Details SEO – Softr Help Docs
@J_1 I think we intentionally excluded those… can you share how you plan to use them ? for editing via app ?
Just curious @artur. Why did you exclude the dynamic SEO fields?
@Ben a few community members requested it and given it was very quick one we did… if you folks have scenarios to manage them I would bring them back…
He @arthur, so yeah, based on @Julien prize winning work during the Build with New Blocks event
recently I started exploring using Softr for proper blogging again.
So it’s actually coming together quite nicely.
And one if the things is that I have the SEO fields auto generated in Airtable. But I’d need the to surface, review and manage them from the Softr front end that I replicate from the CMS like interface that Julien build.
Hi @J_1
You have a point. It’s not possible to manage SEO fields directly from the interface. But you can still build an interface and a few fields on the DB to manage those criteria.
Here is the interface I have built for the editor to manage SEO settings for each article:
And here’s how you can edit those terms from the interface using 4 fields:
On the DB (I use Airtable), you create those fields:
SEO Index (single select) → No Index or Indexed (No Index by default)
SEO:Index (formula) → IF({SEO Index} = ‘Indexed’, ‘1’, ‘0’)
SEO Index - Score (formula) → IF({SEO Index} = ‘Indexed’,
‘ This article is SEO-friendly and indexed to enhance visibility in search results.’,
‘ This article is not indexed and will not appear in search engine results.’)
SEO Title (single text) → User input
SEO Title Length (formula) → LEN({SEO Title})
SEO:Title (formula) → IF({SEO Title} != 0,
{SEO Title},
CONCATENATE({Article Title},’ | FIRE Estates’))
If the user does not add a SEO title manually, I use an autogenerated title using both dynamic and static data.
Same for SEO Description and SEO Slug.
For now, I have a basic system to manage those key points.
Adding more depth with file size monitoring for media and keyword analysis could be interesting.
And on Softr, do not forget to let the page layout be indexed.
Hope this helps!
@artur it was more like quite a few. Perhaps you can reinstate blogging with dynamic content from your proposed Tables? Your last attempt was a great idea, but needed better performance to compete for search engine results.
Unlike the last attempt though, it would have to shorten URLs so they don’t include data-source record Ids for clean permalinks which Google prefers. Again, this is assuming dynamic content will render fast enough. Can you make this happen? If not, I’m afraid no-code builders will waste their time and resources again configuring a blog with Softr for SEO performance.
The reality is Softr is not the best blogging platform it does fine job but obviously lacks many blog specific good to have features
@Julien Looks quite nice and the manual override is a good workaround and the SEO checks are a nice addition too.
I’ve been experimenting with hosting the images on a CDN to be able to give the blog writer control over where the image is placed in the text as well.
I have an Airtable Automation with a Script action basically writing the custom code for a blog article. Which I loaded into the frontend (Softr) with the page details block containing ONLY a embed field mapped to the Airtable field with the HTML/CSS/JS.
It now features:
I’m not very knowledgeable about SEO so there might be more things that are really hampering SEO performance of blogs in Softr. But it’s starting to look alright.
But in my mind, the biggest omission still left for SEO performance is the one mentioned by @Ben - clean urls without the recordID getting appended to the url…
It’s super nice to see how you do this.
Super helpful because you can go way beyond what Softr is capable of natively.
I try not to go too far regarding this, but I will take inspiration from your work for sure!
The reality is that I will probably keep the Agency App on Softr to manage all the data, and later use Webflow or Framer and its CMS capabilities for the client website, to manage blog content and display properties from Airtable using plugins.
As @artur said, Softr is not the right fit for this use case. Can be an issue for your SEO Strategy in the long term.
The biggest challenge is to sync data from Airtable and having it up to date on the website at anytime.
Sure, I can sent you the Airtable script to look at and maybe even improve upon if you like (in which case please share those improvements with me again )
The only pre-requisite for this to work is that you need to have the image assets hosted on a CDN (my Airtable also has a script to upload images from the attachment field to a Publitio as a CDN. With the added benefit of now being able to service SEO optimized images in terms of file size).
And can you expand on your below thoughts? Why wouldn’t the data be in sync?
I misspoke earlier. I was curious to see what it looks like on the front end and would love to see what you suggest in terms of a script.
It’s more about finding it interesting to know how everything you’ve done displays on the interface. Regarding the rest, I’d be happy to share.
On the topic you mentioned, it was more about not finding a current solution that seamlessly connects a database like Airtable to a site such as Framer or Webflow, with data syncing continuously without needing to manually update or import data from Airtable, like Softr does natively.
But I still have to do some research on the topic. Maybe you know already some solution or maybe now is easier to do it natively.
Here’s preview of the HTML/CSS/JS rendered in Softr.
It’s currently more of a PoC I needs some work to make it production ready. Mostly the floating ToC is not fully there yet (I’d to get it to be similar like how it’s done in Notion pages).
The kink that really needs to be worked out is getting the nested list HTML syntax right.
Not sure, I haven’t really worked with those web builders. But I’m sure there are must be something possible. I remember seeing something about Airtable data syncing to Bubble in the past though.
See Pastebin here
Really interesting stuff!
Already the layout is quite good. Quite impressive as a Softr workaround.
Thanks for sharing!
I already work with Airtable and Bubble. Building an entire app using Airtable as a DB (coupled with Bubble user table) is possible.
But for a SEO / lead generation website, I found it overkill to work with. That’s why I plan to use a more dedicated web builder like Webflow.
I’ll let you know when testing those CMS capabilities.