(This is just conjecture, would welcome confirmation from Softr support.)
Softr uses Postmark for mail delivery, and Softr tries to manage the configuration of your sender account there for you. But I think this means it only goes through the “confirm sender signature” workflow for an email that has not previously been registered. So if you are trying to use the same email address in a second app, it will be ignored, and the sender name value will not actually make it to Postmark.
Again, just a guess, but I don’t think this is really a bug so much as a limitation in the way Postmark is integrated – there’s no way for it to manage multiple sender names associated with a single email address.
I suggest you use different email addresses in each app. Many email programs will allow you to specify an alias by adding “+aliasname” to the address. So for example if you are using GMail and your address is johnsmith@gmail.com, you can use johnsmith+app1@gmail.com, johnsmith+app2@gmail.com, etc. and all emails sent to those addresses will end up in your johnsmith mailbox.
It could be the responsibility of a no-refresh action from Softr because I see that the validation process is not redone for an already use email.
Maybe a good thing would be the deletion of the mail and the creation of a new sender, but I think Softr has to manage that I can’t do anything @dcoletta
We are able to change this manually afaik we ended up with this due to some postmark limitations… but in general we/postmark can have only one name per email address…