Delivery Locations Table (multiple locations per Business) and
People table (multiple people per location).
I want to make certain fields of my Orders Table (in Airtable) visible to the People within that Delivery Location only (i.e I dont want each Business to see what each Location is doing).
Please advise how I can set Visibility Conditions up within Softr?
Hopefully that will help you set up a List block for Orders (filtered by user email).
You may need to update your Airtable records/fields if not already using Linked fields and Lookups/Rollups, to make sure that the Orders table has a field containing emails of People (by Location).
The Users in Softr are currently linked to my People Table in Airtable as per below:
Each person (in People Table) has been linked to one or many Delivery Locations Table which also links them to a Business (as Locations Table is linked to Business Table).
I want the Users to only see the Orders that relate to the Location that they are assigned to.
I am unsure what Condition to apply in the user group or other ways round this?
Perhaps the People you are referring to are “Customers”? If so, create a Customers user group in Softr and add individuals to it manually.
The alternative is to add People based on a condition (as per your screen shot). The condition would be based on a field in your People table.
If you have People who are Customers, Staff, Managers (for example) then create matching user groups in Softr. Have a single select (or linked record) field in your People table and allocate any of these “roles” to each person. This is the field that is referenced by Softr as the condition for which Softr group to add your various People to.
With two way sync enabled, add a new user to your People table, with an assigned role, and you should see them created in Softr and now added to their respective user group.
‘People’ is anyone that my company deals with (so both my suppliers and my consignees where there is both Dispatch Addresses (my suppliers locations) and Delivery addresses (my consignees locations).
As per below; there must be some way of being able to look up the Customer Address, recognise the Consignee Address (from Locations Table), recognise the consignee contacts to that Consignee Address (from Locations Table linked to Business) and then be able to make a Condition that when Logged In User to Softr opens up Orders page they only see what Orders are against their Location or Email?
Either you can filter records on each page in Softr, Conditional filtering in Block settings. For example, only show records where “Consignee Contacs” is any of “Logged in users email”.
But youy can also set in on a global level in the app, wich sounds like the best way to go for you, so you don´t need to apply filter settings in every single block.
Go to “Users > Data Restrictions” and set a filter there.