Using Linked Records and Lookups With Member Profiles

We are migrating to Softr. We have a table of data, some of which is old/outdated.

Our hope is when a user logs in and their email address is found in that dataset, it pulls the other data (ex: address, phone number) into their profile. Then, the user goes to their profile and validates this is correct.

I had tested this first using linked records and lookups. The email field in my member-base was a linked record. If it was recognized in the other table, a lookup would pull their phone number and address.

This works well, but I don’t believe the user can then update this information in their profile now.

Is there a better way to accomplish this? Do I need to be using an automation instead?

Hey !

I think you should make a new page or block where users can access their profile via a list detail block and give editing privileges to edit the info and save changes to the original table.