Using data from one table in airtable to make a form and putting the answers in another table

Hi all,

I am building an app which is a sort checklist with a lot of questions.
I use airtable as a database
The idea is that the questions are stored in one table. Let’s name it Questions. And the answers to the questions are stored in a table Answers.

It is possible to make an input form (or something like that) which takes the questions from one table and puts the answers in another table (with of course a link to the question)?
Or will I need to find someone to custom code this for me?

I have tried fillout as well, but could not get it working.

Thanks in advance

My guess is that you have to collect your answers via form in the regular way by mapping the answers to the question inputs and then work something out in the backend to move those answers to your answers table.

Hi Maaike,

I think I recognize your case - which I resolved by adding a ‘details list block’ with the table you want to pull data from (this block doesn’t have to show any data - if you don’t want to). Next, you can add ‘hidden fields’ in your form to pass that (dynamic) data to another table.

Thanks for your answers. I am going to puzzle a bit more.

To make things more clear, I want the questions in the form to be dynamic instead of static (like the forms are build now). Does anyone know if this is possible?