User Sign Up Workflow (Using Xano)

In our database structure we have a users table and a table containing a list of companies. When a new user signs up for our app we need them to be able to pick which company they are affiliated with. This is very easy to do with an Airtable data source, but I’m not sure how to do this using Xano since linked record fields in Xano do not populate the same way as they do in Airtable.

Anyone using Xano or any other non-airtable database have thoughts on how to accomplish what we’re looking to do?

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@sahilkhosla do you have any suggestions here?

Thanks for the bump @Jjenglert

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You want to show this on the sign up form?

I do. The new user adds their name, email address, and selects their company.

@tglatt what if you direct post signup to a page with form where they select it ?

That makes sense. Would I then use an update (Patch) API to update their user record in the Xano database?

@artur this will be solved by my feature request to allow syncing of drop-down field options with a data source! :blush:

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Seems like I run into a workflow problem with a form solution. The form has to be set to a table, which to find the right company would need to be the companies table. Unless I’m missing something, if I do that I’m back where I started - getting the company selection into the users table.

I could hard-code the companies into the sign up form, but there are over 4,000 of them. Not very efficient.

Finally, I could create a secondary page that uses a list block to show all companies that the user can search through. I can use an API action button to allow the user to add the company to their user record, which may be the only solution here. The downside is the user experience. The users adds their company and will need to be informed through the API success message to manually browse to another page - unless there is some kind of automation within Softr that can move the user to another page after they select their company.

I suppose there is one more option. I move our users table back to airtable but keep the data we use to feed the Softr app in Xano. We left airtbale because the performance was too slow. Much better with a Xano back end, but the user sign up process for what we need users to be able to do is obviously more complicated.

I see currently the following options…

  1. Using Airtable as you suggested for the user data
  2. We are working on enabling linked records in Dropdowns for SQL DBs too and this would allow you to send into a either a FORM or a Profile page to update… but this will take few weeks to deliver
  3. expose a page with list of companies to select they could search their company click a button that could trigger a call to API ?

For the near terms I’ll go with the airtable strategy. If I disconnect the users data source fro Xano then connect to a new users base in airtable will it push my existing users in softr into airtable?

Yes it will