User profile creation with conditional questions


I’m building a client portal and after user sign-up, I would like to ask a couple of questions to update the user profile with their answers. Airtable is used as a data storage.

Normally I would use the “user profile” block but I have conditional questions in the “questionnaire”. A conditional form won’t do after sign-up - not only does a form submission create a separate Airtable record, but I also want to split the questionnaire into chunks and update the profile step by step. A conditional form will populate the data only after form submission.

Can anyone suggest a solution (may be a workaround) that will allow me to do this?


Hey Uptimeadam,

You were on the right track but in your case but you might have dismissed the conditional form to quickly.
Always make sure your airtable user table is synced with softr. That way if you add a record through a conditional form the user will be created.

Then after that if you want to update in chuncks with another round of questions, instead of sending the form answers to the user table again (and as you said create a new record), send it to or zapier through a webhook. Then use the airtable update record module to adjust the data.
