User group restrictions

Hey everyone,

First post here :wave:

Happy with Softr so far, running into the following challenge now.

I’m trying to limit record visibility based on user status:

  • Premium users should be able to view all records.
  • Everyone else should be restricted on what they can view.

I understand that I could create a “Free” user group and apply restrictions there, but this takes up a user group (which are limited in my plan) and requires a workaround with Airtable to automatically assign users on sign up.

Is there a better way to either:

  • Automatically limit new users (who are not in any user group) without needing a “Free” group?
  • Set default restrictions to everyone EXCEPT the Premium group.

Would love to hear how others have handled this!

Hi there,

I would explore creating a page specifically for free users, and then locking them out of the premium pages. However, everything revolves around our user groups, so I do think you will need to have a free / premium group for this.

You could also look into using the default groups (loggedin / loggedout) and just not allow free users to login, that way premium is always loggedin, and free is logged out.

Hope this helps!

Thanks, @Jjenglert!

I’ll use two user groups (free and premium) to solve it and auto-assign the free role to new users.

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