Urgent: please help with a smooth transition from free to paid access

Dear Softr and community,

(as I’m about to publish my website, my issue is urgent - hopefully you can help me):

I provide users free and paid access:

  • free user group has access to the main navigation screens (dashboard) as a demo with a payment button
  • paid user group has access to the same but everything is functional without any payment buttons

To manage what parts (pages/blocks) of the website are visible to these groups of users, I make use of Softr “user group” “based on conditions” functionality.

After they have paid, they get full access (to that same dashboard, but different ‘blocks’ are visible).

However, when an user has paid, it takes up to 30 seconds / multiple refreshes before Softr recognizes that the user should change from the free group to the paid group. This is bad first impression for paid users, so does anybody have suggestions how this can be resolved?

You need to remove the caching system in the settings panel of the app (called advanced settings) => Delay time between filling out form to create company and user being allocated to company

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