Updates for charts

Any update on charts? We’ve been told for 6 months there have been updates in the plans, as these charts are not following the normal way charts read data.

Thank you

Dear @aar0n, do you have any concrete features you would like to see in our chart blocks?


I have mentioned the flaws in the charts block over a dozen times to @artur and @austinyang.

They know what I am talking about.

I see, thanks for the clarification @aar0n. The thing is that we plan to improve our chart blocks next year. We will not manage to do it this year, as we are planning to have app functionality improvements.

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Not here to hijack a topic, but I would love to see charts like those in this image…

Thanks for considering…

(I also still think that personal users should have access to charts (perhaps limited to 2-3 pers site/app).


Hey @Spooky,

Thanks for your feedback. We are going to have Spider Charts as well :slight_smile:


Thanks @Suzie.
Didn’t know they were called that, haha…

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Please let me know if you would like to do any user interviews!