Update on adding Seatable (Smart suite or others) as a native data source

Hi! I was wondering if any work was done concerning adding native data sources as an alternative to Airtable (or excell)?

We have to (legally) move away from Airtable as of septembre 23 and i am starting to get nervous as i have a lot of data to move before september to comply with the new Canadian regulations on confidential information.

Hey @Cbreault, we are planning to add new data sources to Softr, however, we are still in the discussion process of which data source to add first.

If it is not hard for you, would you mind sharing your use case and which data base you would like to see added to Softr? Your feedback would help us make a corresponding decision.

Last year, the Canadian government passed a new law stating that Canadian citizen’s personal and private information cannot be accessed without the person’s consent. The American Patriot Act breached this new Canadian law as American agencies are legally allowed to access anyone’s data without permission.

We have to comply with this new Canadian law by september of 2023.

This means that Airtable is not suitable for any Canadian as of september of this year. I have spoken to Airtable’s representative and asked if it would be possible to open an account with AWS Canada so that Canadian’s data could comply with our laws (Airtable already uses AWS USA) but they confirmed that this was not something that they would do anytime.

This issue causes major problems for us as pretty much all our operations are on Airtable.

I have found Seatable (airtable…seatable…go figure) who are based in Berlin. The platform is identical to Airtable but the data storage complies with Candadian laws, so it would fix pretty much every problems we have with complying with the new law.

I assume that the integration would be easier since it is pretty much a copy of Airtable?

Hi there
Nearby the same in Switzerland and EU, a lot of discussions about DSGVO/ GDPR and Seatable seems to solve many of these topics.

Hi @bimdo, we have a GDPR for the EU. You will find the details here: Privacy Policy - Softr

@Cbreault thank you for the detailed clarification of the situation. We currently have 7 more data sources added to Softr (apart from Airtable) you can check to see which one suits your situation. You will find the full list here: Data Sources – Softr Help Docs