Understanding Custom domain and Custom subdomain

Hi there, I’m really confused that how many custom domains and customs subdomains are allowed to be connected with softr app(s) within a subscription plan. I think it’s important to take into consideration before we choose a paid plan.

Let’s take Profession Plan as an example.
1 Custom domain is allowed to be connected with softr app(s).
※ Extra Custom domain is possible by extra monthly fee.

To understand clearly, here are questions.

  • Is “1 custom domain” app-level or workspace-level?
  • Does “1 custom domain” include its subdomains?
  • Is it possible that I connect 1 custom subdomain while domain is connected to other website builder?

For example, I have 5 apps in the same workspace with Profession Plan.
6 apps: appA, appB, appC, appD, appE, appF
3 custom domains: aaa.x ; bbb.x ; ccc.x
4 custom subdomains: help.aaa.x ; docs.aaa.x ; help.bbb.x ; help.ccc.x

Which cases are possible to be connected without extra fee?
(— means connect to 1 app in the same workspace)

  • appA — aaa.x
  • appB — bbb.x
  • appC — help.aaa.x
  • appD — docs.aaa.x
  • appE — help.bbb.x
  • appF — help.ccc.x

I read reference pages below but still feel confused…
1.Plans and pricing
2.Help docs

Hi @kumi,

Apologies for the late reply.

Please note that in Softr, custom domains and subdomains are considered equal, meaning that in a given plan, your app can only have one custom domain or subdomain pointing to one of your apps. Please note that subdirectories are not supported in Softr. If you have, for example, two apps but your plan allows only one custom domain or subdomain, you will need to purchase an extra slot for that additional custom domain or subdomain regardless the formatting you chose for it. The extra custom domain costs $15 per month or $156 annually.