Unable to navigate users to a page after Sign up


I posted this in Ask the Community. To a good extent, all settings seem correct. Still once the user signs up, they are not taken to the page I set in my Page rules. Instead it goes to a different page that is not been configured at all.

Could someone please help. All details with sreenshots present in my original post.

I’d suggest messaging our support team via our website messenger which is available in the bottom right hand side, within your Softr editor for faster / better support!

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Ah okay. I thought you were referring to this one. I’ll do as suggested. Thanks again

Thanks @Jjenglert for suggesting to raise it in the chat. Did that and they solved it in a minute. Looks like the Sign up block I was using was a pretty old one and that was the reason for redirection issues. The support team member updated the block and it now works like a charm. Thanks again!

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Glad that all is good now @prettycold !

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@Andranik Thanks a lot for the quick turnaround :clap:

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A pleasure!

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Oh fantastic to hear @prettycold !!!

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