Hi Everyone,
Are there any issues or gotchas if I create two Softr apps that connect to the same data source?
My original app has grown into two areas, one for members and the other for admins. The issue I have is managing page headers. Softr only has one default header, which I use for the members’ area, which means all the admin pages have unique headers. So, I thought it would be a good idea to separate the members and admin areas into two Softr apps. Both apps would use the same AirTable users’ table. Any thoughts are appreciated.
I have been using this setup without problems. However, I use two different tables for users, one for each app. That separation seems to make sense, both from a access/security perspective, and logical in the airtable base as each group linked to tables in a distinct fashion.
It’s good to know others are experimenting with the user table. I used the sync filtering conditions on the user table to limit the users in the Admin app. Both apps add their magic links to the shared user table. Everyone logs into the member app; if you’re an admin, your profile will display a magic link to the Admin app. It worked out nicely, and so far, so good:)