Tracking items on the list page

Hello, I am trying to track a particular item on the list page, I have connected the list detail page and I connect also connected a form to collect the details of those who purchase that particular item but i am in able the track the item on my base. Please help

Hi @oyinda have you setup your database yet (airtable, google sheets, etc?)

With your form, you can collect information that is sent to your DB. From there, you can map the data from your database to the listing block in Softr to display that data.

In order to access the item details page, you will first need a page that contains a listing with all of the items. Then, add a button to the “item details” for the listing block, making it navigate to the list detail page for that record once that row in the listing block is clicked on.

Hope this helps!

If you already have succesfully show your product in a list-details block, and on that page you also have a form to ‘order’ that partucular item, you have 99% of the job done.

All you need, is to focus on your form block in softr studio and add a special field type ‘Hidden’, that field can collect the id of the record being ‘ordered’ and pass it to airtable on form submission.

So in airtable you now know exactly what product was ordered.

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@Jjenglert Thank you, It helped.

@acjnas Thanks alot… I was able to resolve the issue with your response

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