Tips on improving speed?

Can anyone provide tips on how to improve application speed? Or give me an idea what makes the application slower? Is it the number of users or records on airtable?

Hey @rishav!

If your Airtable isn’t connected via personal access token I would strongly recommend doing so - you should see some speed improvements from that.

You can check this by going into your Data Sources and if “Switch to personal access token” is under your Airtable data source you should be able to switch.

There’s documentation available on the next screen on how to obtain that key just in case you need it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks, not sure what’s the logic behind it but I’ve switched to PAT for now!

Just wanna update that I do see a slight increase in page loading speed since I changed to PAT. Thanks a lot for the recommendation!

Amazing @rishav - great to hear!! :blush: