The upcoming launch of my brand-new project!

Hello, I’m Chloe! In case you don’t know who I am, here’s a quick intro to catch you up, called: Hi, My Name is Chloe!.

If you know about me, you might be curious about that long-term project I’ve been working on Softr for years.

Even though it is close-but-not-yet finished, I just can’t wait to get the word out! Below is the simple details of my project:


My project is called BusinessBusiness, an all-in-one business development advice platform, and any to-be or already experience-packed entrepreneur can get help with their business journey.

Unfortunately, this is all I can tell you for now, but hopefully I will be updating you all for more during BusinessBusiness’s final editing stages.

I’m so excited to share more and can’t wait to work on other projects on Softr!