Tally custom-code error

I recently had a problem that when I put tally code in softr, it goes under the footer.
It’s not always an error with external code, but it seems to be a policy change in certain code.

It’s a code that matches the hidden field created in tally with the login information in softr.
I found this code by googling, but I don’t know where it came from.

The code itself is fine, but softr doesn’t seem to be accepting it properly, is there any way to fix it?

 const tallyUrl = 'https://tally.so/embed/탈리 고유 주소.....:    ?alignLeft=1&hideTitle=1&alignLeft=1';
    const recordId = getUrlParam('recordId');

    const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
    iframe.width = '100%';
    iframe.height = '1200px';
    iframe.frameBorder = '0';
    iframe.marginHeight = '0';
    iframe.marginWidth = '0';
    iframe.title = 'TITLE';

    if (window.logged_in_user?.softr_user_email) {
        const hiddenFields = new URLSearchParams({
            user_email: window.logged_in_user.softr_user_email,
            user_full_name: window.logged_in_user.softr_user_full_name,
            user_record_id: window.logged_in_user.airtable_record_id,
            page_record_id: recordId
        iframe.src = `${tallyUrl}&${hiddenFields}`;
    } else {
        iframe.src = tallyUrl;


    function getUrlParam(name) {
        const url = new URL(window.location.href);
        const param = url.searchParams.get(name.toLowerCase());
        return param || (name.toLowerCase() === 'recordid' ? getRecordIdFromPath() : undefined);

    function getRecordIdFromPath() {
        const pathName = window.location.pathname;
        const recIndex = pathName.indexOf('/r/rec');
        if (recIndex !== -1) {
            const recordIdPath = pathName.slice(recIndex + 3);
            return recordIdPath.split('/')[0];


This code won’t work properly I think,

Try with this syntax, added in a custom code block (to be adapted)

<div id="custom-code-block">
    <!-- Placeholder for the iframe -->
    <div id="tally-embed-placeholder"></div>

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    let tallyUrl = 'https://tally.so/embed/xxxxx?alignLeft=1&hideTitle=1&transparentBackground=1&dynamicHeight=1'; // replace with your own tally embed url

    if (window.logged_in_user && window.logged_in_user.record_id) {
        tallyUrl += '&user_record_id=' + window.logged_in_user.record_id;
    } // add email param and full name param if necessary

    let iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
    iframe.setAttribute('data-tally-src', tallyUrl);
    iframe.setAttribute('loading', 'lazy');
    iframe.setAttribute('width', '100%');
    iframe.setAttribute('height', '603');
    iframe.setAttribute('frameborder', '0');
    iframe.setAttribute('marginheight', '0');
    iframe.setAttribute('marginwidth', '0');
    iframe.setAttribute('title', 'Any Title');

    const placeholder = document.getElementById('tally-embed-placeholder');
    if (placeholder) {

    var d = document,
        w = "https://tally.so/widgets/embed.js",
        v = function() {
            if (typeof Tally !== "undefined") {
            } else {
                d.querySelectorAll("iframe[data-tally-src]:not([src])").forEach(function(e) {
                    e.src = e.dataset.tallySrc;

    if (typeof Tally !== "undefined") {
    } else if (d.querySelector('script[src="' + w + '"]') == null) {
        var s = d.createElement("script");
        s.src = w;
        s.onload = v;
        s.onerror = v;

Also, what does not work exactly? The tally form is being displayed correctly? Some hidden parameters are missing when filling out the tally form?

I found the answer in this article.
I’ll try again and let you know the results.


Note that the outdated part mentioned in the other thread concerns document.write() which is deprecated.