Sure Artur. Paying users (subscribed to a paid user group condition) are not mapped to enough requisite events that occur in Stripe. For instance, when a user attempts to upgrade their subscription by selecting a different subscription from a Softr pricing block, Stripe creates another customer with a new subscription that has the same email instead of switching that user’s subscription (product). So this subscription change is not reflected in Softr. Apparently, Stripe is having the user just purchase a new product instead of simply changing their plan.
So to answer your question, when user groups have configurable payment conditions and pricing blocks have options for tiered product pricing that “link each option to a corresponding checkout page (internal or external)”-Softr docs, the implication is that users can can switch (upgrade or downgrade) between subscriptions when they choose to, like we can when upgrading our Softr subscription. Can you suggest a Softr configuration, using the Stripe integration (paying user groups and payment blocks/pages), that can do this?