Sync options with data source - from Lookup field

Hi Softr team,

We have the same issue in several places on our sites. The workaround is painful - we have to manually populate multiple conditional filter lists, then keep them up to date.

“Sync options with data source” in conditional filters does not work when the AirTable field is a lookup field based on a linked record. Can you extend this functionality to populate the conditional filter list from the lookup field?

This is critical for us, as the linked record lookup is the Client name. Therefore we currently cannot filter lists automatically by client.

Many thanks, Nik


I agree – similar issue here, and it would be very useful to have lookup field options sync, since my lookup field is a single-select anyway.


YES!! Same here, please enable full support of lookup fields.

In my case it is using the lookup single select and multi select fields to create filter tags (auto sync) in lists