Sync form options in database list field order

Hi. The form auto-sync option is very useful. But when it pulls data from the database list field, the data is auto-sorted as well. Could form list fields sync data in the order they are in the database field?

When there are multiple form fields and options that do not need sorting alphabetically, it requires an extensive amount of manual sorting after it is auto-sorted after syncing. The alphabetic sorting option is great, but it should be an option, not necessarily the default when syncing field options from the database.

Thank you!

I have faced the same need. Remember asking for it in the support channel, and the agent mentioned that it was sorted in the same order they were in airtable.

Here is the most basic example why is not optimal as it is:

let’s say you have 10 numbered options on your single select field:


Softr inline filters will list options as:


Exactly Jonathan. Except now with the sync it auto-sorts options alphabetically by default, then you have to manually sort them back to the order you had them in Airtable. Fun when you are manually sorting hours of operation for each day of the week (i.e. 12:00AM; 12:30AM;…)

BTW, I did contact support about this back in June. Maria said she would talk to the engineering team about it. Haven’t heard back from her about it unfortunately :confused:.

If you haven’t seen it, check out the new sorting option “As defined in source” for drop down field types on Softr’s forms. You no longer have to re-sort the options manually from your database.

Woops! Looks like it works in the studio, but is not reflected on a site, at least in preview mode. Compare the order of the options:


Softr Studio

Softr Preview Site

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Hey folks, you are right, currently there is an issue with this new sorting option and the tech team is working on fixing it.
I will make sure to notify you when it is fully resolved so that you can start using it.

Hey guys, the issue with the new sorting is fixed

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