Softr should update and improve existing list blocks in the system

It would be very helpful if Softr would revisit older blocks that are still regularly used and make them more customizable, by improving them or adding more field types to them.

For example, I am using the “List with Timeline” block, but the first field that one can set (on the very left hand side) still doesn’t support “Date” field types, and remaind limited to Text.

In fact, in this particular block, there is no capability to add a Date/Time field item, which has formatting implications for how its displayed on the front end.


I’ve been saying this for years. Probably causes a good portion of Softr’s churn. Check out the bug list for instance.

There’s inevitably a trade off between new features (ie. new databases, new blocks,…) and improving existing blocks. Softr can only do so many things WELL at the same time. So, I wouldn’t bet on the improvement of existing blocks, let alone maintenance, over the expectation of newer blocks’ adoption.

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