I have created a softr app for a monday sales CRM. The necessary boards are connected to their respected pages and are displayed in grids. the item when clicked opens up a modal to display all the details of that item as listed in the monday.com board. Now, i want to add another functionality where the Emails and Activities widget of monday.com that opens up when an item is clicked is also set up here in Softr. For that i was planning to create an action button on the item which when clicked send a webhook to make.com. From there, i wanted to add a monday (execute graphQL query) module to run a query that uses item id of the clicked item and fetch the data that i am looking for.
I want to know how will i know ITEM ID of the item that was clicked i can’t hard code it so need a specific variable for that. I am not sure how softr deals with item id, but the monday.com variable for it is “item_id”
Also, when i run the query
query {
timeline (id: 7414294300) {
timeline_items_page {
timeline_items {
to get timeline data of specific item it returns:
[200] [{“message”:“Cannot query field "timeline" on type "Query".”,“locations”:[{“line”:2,“column”:3}]}]
I need help ASAP please.
Hi @ayesha53
I’ll do my best to help here. This is new territory though as I don’t think we’ve had a monday.com user try to do this with Softr yet.
I like your idea with make. For that, you can trigger an API call to call the Make endpoint and use the URL parameter to include the record ID in the call.
However, I’m not sure you will get a favorable result pulling this back into Softr. We have some new features in the works that will make things like this easier, but they won’t be available until Q2.
Until then, we suggest finding a way to trigger this API call, which then runs that automation, and stores that data in Monday.com which you then show in Softr. Saving those values in your DB and showing it via Softr’s interface is the best way to handle specific situations like this at the moment, rather than dynamic calls.
You could look into our Rest API for this as well, but I’m not sure it’s going to do the trick for you.
I’ll circulate this post with my team to see if anyone else has suggestions for you! Welcome to the community!
Thank you for the reply, I’ll be looking forward to more suggestions from your team. Other than this I have another query.
I have 2 user types that includes
Sales Rep and Manager. For the items in the monday.com boards, I want to set a condition that sales rep can view only those items that are assigned to them (Item is a client assigned to a user who is an Owner) meanwhile a manager can view all the items no matter who the owner is or if the item has not been assigned to any user for now. The condition for sales rep is working as I have set it to Owner - is - Logged in user - Name, this way it only display the items of a specific owner who is logged in. But i can’t manage to set a condition for the manager who needs to view all the items no matter who the owner is. What do you suggest can work here?
Also for this suggestion, can you clarify in detail what you think is the best approach for now. I need to know if i trigger an API call to store data of that item in Monday.com it will still need item id to link it with softr. I need to know for sure, do we have a way to link/ specify item id of the clicked item in Softr?
Hi @ayesha53
I think your best bet is to pre-configure these fields and save those values in your monday.com database, which you then simply show in your softr app for the applicable user in their detail page.
Thank you @Jjenglert
I was hoping to get a response on this as well. Thanks!
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