Softr branding in the BASIC plan

Hi, can someone tell me if the Softr bottom branding on th BASIC plan is clickable or not ? And can someone share with me an image of how it looks ?

Hey @ysnmksd, yes, it is clickable (this URL is opened when it is clicked: Softr | No-Code App Builder | No Code Application Development for Portals and Web Apps ) and it looks like this:

Hi Marine, thank you. But this one looks like the floating badge of the FREE plan, I am asking about the LIGHT branding of the BASIC plan.

Sorry, I shared the wrong screenshot. Here is a screenshot from an app (app is not mine, which is why I can not share it here). The logo is not clickable.

It is shown at the bottom of the page when you scroll till the end

Thank you, so it’s not clickable and doesn’t open any link ?