Since this morning all empty file cells from airtable display "#" and download file: unknown.htm

Since this morning all of the file fields that link to empty airtable cell values now display as # and download a file called unknown.htm

@spaghettiwater can you share a page/link to test this ?

artur, I was chatting with Marine on it a bit and I think she may have logged an item for the team. The issue is for every file field on our site. Please let me know if there is a better way to share access. The site is

When I checked just now, the issue seems to be resolved. The empty file fields across our site now show “-” without a hyperlink.

Thank you if you guys fixed something behind the scenes, otherwise, it would still be helpful to understand if it’s an intermittent issue we can solve by changing site design/config.

@spaghettiwater we identified and fixed the issue. Thanks for raising it