Sign up with side image block broken

Hi all, for some reason this “Sign up with side image” block no longer has a top and bottom to it and is cropped to the sign in box itself (which looks horrid!) I’ve made no changes to it at all, so not sure why this has happened.

The preview shows it how I expect to look.

However, the reality is now this. I’ve checked on Firefox, Chrome, Edge and on Edge mobile.

What’s happened? :-/

Hi @JonUK please, insert this code into Page Settings>Custom Code>Header section and replace user-accounts5 with your block name to fix this

 #user-accounts5 section {
 	height: 100vh;

Hi Maria

Unfortunately as a free user I can’t fix this bug in the code since I don’t have access to this custom code feature!

It used to be fine though. Can this not be repaired on the block as it’s obviously not supposed to look like this.

What’s happened? What else can I do?



Hi Jon, this will be fixed soon. I will keep you posted as soon as possible.

Amazing, thank you Maria :slight_smile:

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Hi Maria, just a quick one. I’m wondering how soon this might be? Are we talking months? Thanks!

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Hey @JonUK,

This has been fixed, can you please double check and confirm?

Just wondering if you still face this issue?

Hi Suzie,

Unfortunately the issue remains

I have logged into the editor to see if there was a block update, but nothing available. What can I do?


Sorry to chase this guys, but am I the only one experiencing this?

I have created a brand new block just to check, and the preview shows it correctly, but it’s still wrong when I publish :frowning:

Hey Softr people, any updates please?

Hi @JonUK is this the Page? and do you ask about image scaling for the whole height of the page?

Hi @artur, yes that’s the page. If you look at the first post, the image to the left used to scale 100 from top to bottom, but now is constrained to the login block. The Softr preview works okay, but the published version doesn’t.

Any updates on this please @artur ?

The fix will be deployed today or tomorrow

@JonUK pls check

Finally! Thank you @artur :slight_smile: