Show a specific block in List Details Based On Selection for List

I want to create a list of tools (AI).

When the user clicks on a tool in the list block item i want to direct them to the List Details Page with some common fields and the OpenAI DALL-E block.

But when the user clicks on a different tool in the list block item i want to direct them to the List Details Page with some common fields and the OpenAI CHAT GPT block.

trying to understand on how i can set conditions on the list details page with blocks appear or not appearing.

Thank you.

Hi @hvellani :wave:
Thank you for the details. I think there are two options to achieve it.
The first one is with the help of custom code that allows showing the block based on the List details block criteria. Hide or show blocks based on a record's attributes

The second one is possible to achieve without the help of custom coding.
Let me share my thoughts on how I would personally do it:

  1. I would create 2 list details pages in Softr - one with List details block and OpenAI DALL-E block another one with a List details block and OpenAI CHAT GPT block.
  2. Then I would create 2 formula fields to generate the URL with the recordID for all Airtable records to which the List details block is mapped. The formulas should have the following logic:
    Formula 1: CONCATENATE('', {Record ID})
    Formula 2: CONCATENATE('', {Record ID})
    As a result you will be able to generate the URL to each list details block page.
  3. Then I would create an IF Formula in Airtable so if the criteria is 1 to show formula 1, if the criteria is 2 show the formula 2. As a result you will have a field where the URL of the generated list details page will depend on the tool.
  4. Then on Softr List block with the tools, I would create an Item button to open external URL and would map it to the last formula field in Airtable.
    As a result when the end-user click on a tool that should show page with OpenAI DALL-E block, he will be redirected to that page.

Hope it helps :slightly_smiling_face: