Send back my Magic link

Hi, team.

I wondered why there isn’t a block to have your magic link emailed back to you.

Is it a security issue?
Thanks and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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Hey @yannick could you please, elaborate more? what do you mean by sending a magic link back?

I think @yannick is referring to the same feature than for password reset. You loose your password, you get a link to reset it, this is a default page of Softr app template.
Why isn’t one to ask to resend the magic link or regenerate one if you lost it ?
We would also be interested by such block, we were talking about that this morning in feature review with the project team


Hey @Maria - YES ! Thanks @Flavien :pray: It’s exactly that.


Hi there, @Maria any update or planned feature on this topic ? Thanks

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