See page # when using table block

When using the table block we have the option of “load more” or using pagination. However the pagination ends up being a back and forward arrow which works well for small tables but not so much for larger tables.

Can we add a page number when using pagination? So rather than pressing the “>” key 4 times, i can click on page ‘4’ at the bottom to get to the same location?

Thank you!

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@Suzie Important feature request: Design option to decide whether we want a pagination with or without page numbering. Really basic stuff for the table block indeed!

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+1 for table pagination

+1 for table pagination

Hey guys, thank you very much for your suggestion and feedback. Indeed, it is an important improvement which I have added to our table block improvement list.

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+1 and also being able to see the number of results or pages (e.g., showing 1-10 of X and/or page 1 of X)

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Noted and added the “number of results or pages” feature also! Thanks, @Derek!

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Hi @Marine.Hovhannisyan is there any update on when the pagination might be live?

Hey @rebeccajane, we still do not have any precise dates yet :confused:

Thanks for the update :slight_smile:

Hi @Marine.Hovhannisyan Wondering if there is an update on the page numbers for blocks?

I believe there is a technical limitation preventing this feature from being implemented, as Airtable does not provide the total number of records in a given table/view (nor the records themselves) via their API.

I hope I am wrong.