Search Bar don't take "Accents"


A little request here,
Can the search bar take accents please?

For example if I write: “Chateau” I would like to see “Château” in the results list
(a = â) , (à =a), (é =e) , (è = e) , (ê =e) etc…

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hello do you have any news about this topic please? Thank you

@Phenix what’s happening now when you type words with accent ? and what Datasource are you using ?

Hello @artur ,

I use Airtable as a datasource and when I or my users write “Hotel” or “Chateau” in the search bar there are no results because the original name is “Hôtel” or “Château”

Since my initial message I made a small automation in Airtable that applies a replace on {Name} when an entry is added and puts it in a field {Search} that I use in the “Search by” of Softr

But I admit to hope for native support of accents by Softr ^^

Here the code:

let inputConfig = input.config();
let table = base.getTable("Salles");
let record = await table.selectRecordAsync(inputConfig.recordId);

function removeAccents(text) {
    return text
        .replace(/[àáâä]/g, "a")
        .replace(/[èéêë]/g, "e")
        .replace(/[ìíîï]/g, "i")
        .replace(/[òóôöõ]/g, "o")
        .replace(/[ùúûü]/g, "u")
        .replace(/[ÀÁÂÄ]/g, "A")
        .replace(/[ÈÉÊË]/g, "E")
        .replace(/[ÌÍÎÏ]/g, "I")
        .replace(/[ÒÓÔÖÕ]/g, "O")
        .replace(/[ÙÚÛÜ]/g, "U");

if (record) {
    let inputValue = record.getCellValue("Nom du Lieu");
    if (inputValue) {
        let cleanedValue = removeAccents(inputValue);
        await table.updateRecordAsync(, {
            "Search": cleanedValue,

Thank you