SaaS Web App quesiton about user input data using forms

Hey everybody, new Softr and airtable user here and new to the world of no code coding.

I have an idea for a SaaS Web App and have pretty much built it out (Look and feel) and the database behind it in Airtable.

My questions are related to managing user input data.

The web app will be aimed at companies and potentially multiple users from each company. So I need an “admin” who will be able to invite/delete team members. How can this be set up?

Also, regarding the data each company/user inputs, I assume it is best practice to keep these inputs separate each in their respective table for each company. Correct? Is there a way to make softr create a new blank airtable for every company/user that registers? so that the data input is segregated?

If it is not the way to do this, and having all the data in one field, how can I make sure the data available to the user is the data they actually input and not some other companies data.

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This sounds like a great use of Softr and Airtable and you can achieve all you have described using both platforms working together.

You could set up an admin (group) in Softr and give visibility of a Softr form to this group on a page they also have visibility of. Collect user details via this form to add to Airtable. Create an automation in Airtable triggered by new users being added and call on Zapier to create users in Softr and generate Magic Links for them that are sent back to your Airtable users table.

For data entered by users, use a single table for all. Ensure that one of the fields (it can be a hidden field) has an identifier to allow for data to be filtered by parameters you set (these are the conditions you add to dynamic (list) blocks). For example, for a user to only see data they enter, have Softr filter by logged-in user (their email or Magic Link is my method). If you want to display data to all users from the same company, filter by (a field) Company Name and ensure that Company Name is captured when users enter any data using your form.

I hope you enjoy learning how to make this work for you and seeing successful results.

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