Rich text formatting for inbox block

I am back with more rich text formatting woes. It seems like bullets (ordered or unordered lists) are not formatting in the Softr Inbox Block for any rich text fields.

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Hey @Derek,

Just checked it, seems to be ok on my end, can you please check if you have spaces added at the end of the words?

@Suzie Thanks for the reply. There are no extra spaces at the end of words. The weird part is that in Softr, there are no numbers or bullets, so it is acting like it recognizes those things but just isn’t formatting it correctly. This is the live page (shouldn’t need a login to see that block).

In Softr:

In Airtable:
Student learning outcomes field:

Major assignments field:

Required placement experience field:

Hey @Derek,

In general there is such a known issue. The problem is Airtable is not using standard Markdown for richtext. They use some custom form of a Markdown which is hard to replicate as we don’t know their implementation and need to rely on standard Markdown. We will try to reverse engineer and see if we can improve this somehow.

But, I will send DM to discuss a few more things.