Redirect user to a another website with SSO

Hello !
I’m wondering if it is possible to redirect a logged in user to another website and run the login automatically. A kind of SSO connexion but in the other way ?
Is it possible if the compagny provides some code or Softr would not provide such possibility (even if with code for auto-authentification?)

Thanks :pray:

We offer a secure way to do SSO for our business plans and above. Otherwise, you’d need to use some custom code to get the redirect to happen and it could get quite hacky.

Is this SSO working in both ways ? From website to SOFTR (e.g microsoft to softr) and in the other way => From softr to another wesbite (in my case from softr to a learning platform)

Thank you !

No, we only integrate with SSO on Softr, but don’t offer a way for folks to integrate their Softr authentication into other platforms. You can read more here: SAML Single Sign-on – Softr Help Docs