Question about conditional forms

I am creating a registration for volunteers for our Non Profit.
It has been requested that I add policies and procedures for these new volunteers to agree to.
I have built it out in the new conditional forms but cannot figure out a way to embed or hyperlink in any of the display fields.
Any ideas are welcome!

If you use the sign-up page (build in with softr) you can add in more fields. If you dont mind that they immediatly get their account after completion, the agree to terms and conditions is already built in that block.

@Codiemc let me discuss within the team

I don’t mind the immediate account but want to be able to use the conditional formatting in the new forms to clean it up a bit. It would be awesome if conditional formatting was in the Sign-up blocks

Hi @Codiemc :wave: A simple way to achieve this is by inserting HTML code into the ‘Text’ display field.

Try this:
<a href="" target="_blank">Review Policies & Procedures</a>

This will convert the display field text into a hyperlink. Simply update the URL and the link text to suit your requirements.

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Thank you for the reply @jamesdavie however when doing this in the conditional forms it always opens in the same tab which cancels out the form and forces users to restart from the begining.

Weird question but if you look at your workflow, cant you do it by first page being the T&C that you can scroll down to read all, when you press the button in the bottom it says : Agree and then you move to page 2 of the conditional forms? Or is the link a requirement?