Problem with url redirection and special characters

Hello there,

Have you ever tried to redirect an URL with special characters like “?” or “=” ?

The tool doesn’t seem to want to let us use this type of character and it replaces them all with this character “-”

This is very problematic, because when I try to redirect the following url (old path):

he transforms it into:

which obviously doesn’t work, because it’s not an existing page on the site…

Do you have any ideas on how to do this redirect correctly?

Thanks for helping me :pray:


Hi there -

There are certain structures that have to be followed with URL parameters. If you’re looking to setup a redirect from an old page that doesn’t exist, to a new page with a new URL, then you should look into our 301 redirects.

Otherwise, for URL structures, [

The “?” needs to come after the last page path, and indicates to the browser that you will begin feeding it values. Every separation after the “?” requires an “&” to add more key and value pairs. Hopefully this helps you!

Thanks Jjenglert for your answer!

then you should look into our 301 redirects.

If you’re talking about the tool located at “Settings >SEO > Url redirects”, that’s with this tool the problem appear.

The “?” needs to come after the last page path, and indicates to the browser that you will begin feeding it values. Every separation after the “?” requires an “&” to add more key and value pairs. Hopefully this helps you!

Yes, of course.

Maybe I didn’t explain my problem well. Indeed it’s a 301 redirection that I need, but the tool I mentioned above doesn’t want to work with special characters, instead he replaces this characters by “a hyphen” > " - "

The url I want to redirect: /workshops/?filter-by-Types=Workshop

The url that the redirect tool display: /workshops/-filter-by-Types-Workshop

So like you can see, the tools automaticly replaces " ? " and " = " by a hyphen " - "

How can I avoid this?

Can you please try to update the root URL that you are using for the redirect with this format:

And then let me know if the problem persists?

Hum okay, but what do you mean by “update the root URL” please ?

Maybe I am misunderstanding you.

I believe you are looking to redirect this URL: /workshops/?filter-by-Types=Workshop

Is that URL system generated, or did you make it?

Reason why I ask is, it’s not following proper URL formatting with the “/?” symbols. It should just be “?” there instead.

But if its system generated, then I’d suggest escalating this to support.


Thanks again to take the time to answer me.

Yes, this is a system generated url so I will ask to support :pray:

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Ah, ok. Sorry I couldn’t help you here!

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