Problem logging in

Once a user has registered, I want to start the session with Sign in but a blank page loads me even though the app is visible to all users, can someone help me?

Hi @Luisan could you please, provide your app published link and add as a collaborator so that I can investigate?

Hello @María, I attach the link, thanks for the support

@Maria Please can you assist me with the same issue. I have added as a collaborator and the link to the site is as follows:

Hi @Gregs I signed up and it took me to your home page as you set from Page Rules

Hi @Maria,

Happy new year to you and the team. Thank you, It seems to have been my browser,after clearing cache it has started working. I am attempting to reset a password now and after clicking on the email link to reset my password it is directing me to a 404 page, have I set this page up incorrectly?