Page missing from action list


I am new to Softr and loving it so far!!

I am working on my home page which has a login form with a reset password link. I created a Reset Password page, but when I go to the action list on the home page for that link, the page is not in the list.

I then created another page called Forgot Password and that one showed up.

While I know that I can use the Forgot Password link and page I am wondering why the Reset Password page does not show up.

Would appreciate some assistance.


@SynopsisLabs thanks for raising this.

Reset password page should not be directly accessible and linked, instead forget password needs to be used where user clicks enters email then gets link with reset password page with a token appended so they can click and then reset the password.

For logged in users to change their password you can user profile page with user profile block


Ok, thanks. So what is the function of the Reset password page then?

You have it there and it works you don’t have to link as it can’t be opened when opened directly with a link

Hello @artur, is there any way that i can generate this token? So i can send out of Softr? For example with Make automations{token}