Open street map

i’m trying to set up an open street map that pins addresses stored in airtable. these addresses are coming from a softr form that kicks out to airtable (using google maps api). is there a way to send that data so i can load it right in ? right now im struggling to find a simple way to connect address to lat / long that will submit to the open street map … even if i used google maps for the map it has the same requirements (lat/long). Would prefer to stay away from software outside of softr/airtable/google/openstreetmaps to make this happen.


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hi @Jjenglert @pford - tagging ya’ll per discussion from yesterday’s meet. unrelated to data permissions but would be great to have a direction here. will reach out thru support chat on some other inquiries too. cheers :slight_smile:

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Sorry for my delay @andrewportnoy !! This message got a bit lost, admittedly.

I believe this video should solve what you’re looking to do:

Let me know if you need anything else!