New navigation - include a search bar?

Hey team,
Since the new navigation is coming up soon, I just wanted to highlight again how incredible of a feature it would be to have a search bar feature that can open search and open detail pages. It would integrate perfectly with a horizontal header.

I’m sure you guys are already quite advanced with the navigation and maybe you had that in mind already, but I just wanted to mention once more how much of a gamechanger that would be in terms of building really professional looking platforms with Softr.

It’s one of these lacking features that makes me always look at Softr alternatives to give inClimate that professional look and feel of a proper SaaS platform.

It would basically allow us to create a LinkedIn-like experience for users :slight_smile:

Happy New Year!


Agree. This would be an important feature.

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Something similar has been requested since 22’. It’s unfortunate Softr has disregarded this for so long: