Multiple users with different logins to the same database with different rights

Hi all,

I want to add multiple users with separate logins to the same database. Some of them need to have Edit rights, such as employees, and some only View rights, such as partners. Can I arrange this in Softr?

Yes, see here

Thanks for your reply. Still don’t get it based on this page. I’m using Airtable but don’t see how if they login they immediately get connected to the same database and tables as another account in my client portal.

A great way to learn about the integration between Airtable and Softr is to use one the Softr templates Choose one close to your own use-case and see how things are set up and configured. Then, you can either adapt to your needs or start from scratch with the knowledge you gained by experimenting with the template.

Hey Floris,

There’s really just 2 things you need to do.

  1. Create a single select field in Airtable called “User type” with the different user groups as the options. I.e. “Employee” and “Partner”
  2. In Softr, head over to Users → User groups → Add user group. Name it “Partner” and set the following condition: If “User type” is “Partner” and hit Save. That’s it.

When a new record/user is created in Airtable, they’ll be assigned the correct user group immediately.

Of course, you’ll need to adjust the visibility and edit rights for each block etc. so that the correct user group sees whatever they’re supposed to.

Assuming this is what you were looking for?

Thanks! Checked it out, but still don’t know if what I mean is an option.

Hi Sander,

You helped me a little bit.

I need to be able to let users create new users in that account with a separate login and additionally other view rights (this can be fixed with user groups like you mentioned). Is it possible to let users create other users and link them to their ‘company’ in the database?

Let me know if you have time for a short call Sander

I believe that’d be possible.

What you could do is create a form only visible to the “super user” that should be able to create new users.

Connect the form to your user database then do 2 things:

  1. Add all fields you want them to fill out (like name, email, location, or whatever).
  2. Create 2 hidden fields:
    a) Field “user role” = “employee” (this makes the new user an employee or whatever user type you want them to be.
    b) Field “company” = logged in user’s company (this makes it so that the new user wil automatically be “assigned” the same company as the user who created that user. I.e., if I create the user and I work at Z, the new user will be related to company Z.)

Using the above logic, you should be able to have the following in one app:

An application where different companies and their employees can exist together, but only see what they’re allowed to see, based on the company they’re connected to via the database and the conditional logic on each page/block. Super users can create new users, i.e. employees, or similar.

To simplify the process, use Softr’s new automatic invitatinoal emails. In Users → Notifications → Automations you can enable that an automatic invite email is sent to newly created suers. This way, when the super user creates a new user, they’d get an email invite with a temporary password.

Haven’t tried it, but I believe it should work :slight_smile:

Do you have time for a short call? Willing to pay for it!

Thanks! I think this would be possible. Already thought of it. I am just wondering how I can add multiple users to the same database (tables) in Airtable, so they can look and edit the same data…

No need to pay. :slight_smile:

I can jump on a 15 min call at 19:45 CET, if that’d work?

Either have a “super table” with every single data point in it. Or use linked records. I’ve used the later one for an app and it works great, but takes somewhat longer to set up…

Would be awesome!